(造价)估算员,估算师 A quantity surveyor is a person who calculates the cost and amount of materials and workers needed for a job such as building a house or a road.
Mr chandler, a quantity surveyor, and his economist wife, took early retirement about three years ago. 建筑估价师钱德勒先生和他的经济师妻子三年前提前退休。
Mr Lewis is now taking a break from his job as a quantity surveyor to pursue a career in cookery. 刘易斯先生现在已暂时结束自己的施工技术员工作,准备追求自己的厨艺事业。
In charge of the technical and quantity surveyor in machining workshop and assembling workshop. 负责机加工车间和组装车间工艺技术施工工作。
Raised in a middle class, Protestant home, the son of a quantity surveyor and a nurse, he was sent off at the age of14 to attend the same school which Oscar Wilde had attended. 他成长于一个信仰基督教新教的中产阶级家庭,父亲是估算员,母亲是名护士。十四岁时他被送到奥斯卡•王尔德的母校学习。
1 started off wanting to be a quantity surveyor. 我开始时想当一名估算师。
Status and role of the quantity surveyor in construction cost management in Britain 工料测量师在英国工程造价中的地位与作用